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Friday, July 31, 2009

DUA - It will help you

To relieve pain in any part of the body (if Allah wills) recite surah al fatihah 70 times (or 7 times), keeping the mouth nearest to the forehead of the sufferer. It is a sure cure of every ailment except the deadly disease (through which death has been decreed).

Whosoever recites surah al Nahl once in a month, Allah will keep him safe, if He wills, from many diseases, some of them are leprosy and insanity.

Write surah al Shu-ara with the solution of musk and saffron on a china plate, wash it with pure water and drink it. If Allah wills, He will heal you from whatever illness you are suffering from.

Whosoever recites surah YaSin daily, or once in a weak or a month or at least once in a lifetime, Allah, if He wills, will keep safe from every disease that may inflict him/her.

Whosoever writes surah Muhammad and keep it as a ta’wid’ on the body,. Remains safe from every kind of illness.

Whosoever recites surah Hadid and Mujadilah in every obligatory salat, Allah, if He wills, will not allow any detestable disease to afflict his/her body.

To relieve pain and suffering in any part of the body keep the written text of surah al Mujadilah on the body.

If surah al Quraysh is recited over the food, before eating, it will not only be rendered harmless but also act as a healer of any illness you are suffering from.

There are several ahadith (traditions) in Tufatuz Za-ir, Safinatun Najat that the earth of Karbala (from the precinct of the resting place of Imam Husayn), known as khak shifa, cures every ailment save the deadly disease (by which death has been decreed).

It is written in Zad al Mi-a'd that the Holy Prophet told his companions to carry out (the following procedure) in order to cure and heal whatever type of pain or illness is afflicting a person.

(1) Obtain rain water of spring (ab naysan) in the month of April.

(2) Recite 70 times the following surahs over the water:

(i) Al Fatihah, (ii) Ayat ul Kursi, (iii) Al lkhias, (iv) Al Falaq, (v) Al Nas, (vi) Al Kafirun, (vii) Al Qadr,

(3) and recite 70 times:




(4) and drink it in morning daily for 7 consecutive days.

DUA - Cure from All Kind of Pains

Cure from all sorts of pain

Khalid b. al-`Absee has narrated that: `Ali b. Moosaa (a) taught me the following instructing me to teach fellow believers for it works with all sort of pains and aches.

I seek protection for my soul in the Lord of the earth and the Lord of the heavens I seek protection for my soul in the One in whose name no sickness can hurt I seek protection for my soul in the One whose name is Blessed and a Cure.

U`idhoo nafsee birabbil-ardhi wa rabbis-samaa' U`idhoo nafsee billadhee laa yadhurru ma`a-smihi daa' U`idhoo nafsee billadhee-smuhu barakatun washifaa'

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


1 Ar Rehman (The Beneficent)
2 Al ‘Adl (The Just) --- 3 Al ‘Afuw (The Pardoner)

4 Al Ahad (The One) --- 5 Al-Akhir (The Last) --- 6 Al-'Aliyyo (The Most High)

7 Al-Aleem (The All Knowing) --- 8 Al-Awwal (The First) --- 9 Al-Azim (The Great One)

10 Al ‘Aziz (The Mighty) --- 11 Al-Baatin (The Hidden) --- 12 Al-Badi (The Incomparable)

13 Al-Baa’is (The Resurrector) --- 14 Al-Baaqi (The Everlasting)
15 Al-Barru (The Source of all Goodness)
16 Al-Baseer (The All Seeing) --- 17 Al-Basit (The Expander)
18 Al-Fattahu (The Opener) --- 19 Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiver)
20 Al-Ghafur (The All Forgiving)
21 Al-Ghani (The Self Sufficient) --- 22 Al-Hadi (The Guide)
23 Al-Hafeez (The preserver) --- 24 Al-Hakim (The Judge) --- 25 Al-Hakeem (The Wise)
26 Al-Haleem (The Forbearing One) --- 27 Al-Hameed (The Praiseworthy)
28 Al-Haqq (The Truth) --- 29 Al-Haseeb (The Reckoner)
30 Al-Hayy (The Alive)
31 Al-Jaame (The Gatherer) --- 32 Al-Jabbar (The Compeller)
33 Al-Jaleel (The Sublime One) --- 34 Al-Kabeer (The Most Great)
35 Al-Kareem (The Generous One)
36 Al-Khabeer (The Aware) --- 37 Al-Khaafizu (The Abaser)
38 Al-Khaliq (The Creator) --- 39 Al-Bari (The Evolver) --- 40 Al-Musawwir (The Fashioner)
41 Al-Lateef (The Subtle One) --- 42 Al-Maajeedu (The Noble)
43 Al-Majeed (The Most Glorious One) --- 44 Al-Maliku (The Sovereign Lord)
45 Al-Maalik-Al-Mulk (The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty) --- 46 Al-Maani (The Preventer)
47 Al-Matin (The Firm One) --- 48 Al-Mu’akhkhir (The Delayer)
49 Al-Mubdi (The Originator) --- 50 Al-Mughni (The Enricher)
51 Al-Muhaymin (The Protector)
52 Al-Muhsi (The Reckoner) --- 53 Al-Muhyi (The giver of life)
54 Al-Mur’id(The Restorer) --- 55 Al-Mu’izz (The Honorer) --- 56 Al-Mujeeb (The Responsive)
57 Al-Mu’min (The Guardian of Faith) --- 58 Al-Mumeet (The Creator of Death)
59 Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger) --- 60 Al-Muqaddim (The Expediter)
61 Al-Muqeet (The maintainer)
62 Al-Muqsit (The Equitable) --- 63 Al-Muqtadir (The Powerful)
64 Al-Muta’ali (The Most Exalted)
65 Al-Mutakabbir (The Majestic) --- 66 Al-Muzeel (The Dishonorer)
67 An-Naafi (The Propitious)
68 An-Noor (The Light) --- 69 Al-Qabiz (The Constrictor)
70 Al-Qadir (The Able)
71 Al-Qahhar (The subduer) --- 72 Al-Qaweeyo (The most Strong)
73 Al-Qayyum (The Self Subsisting)
74 Al-Quddus (The Holy) --- 75 Ar-Raafi (The Exalter)
76 Ar-Raheem (The Merciful) --- 77 Ar-Raqeeb (The Watchful)
78 Ar-Rasheed (The Guide to the Right Path)
79 Ar-Ra’uf (The Compassionate) --- 80 Ar-Razzaq (The Provider)
81 As-Sabur (The Patient) --- 82 As-Salaam (The Source of Peace)
83 As-Samad (The Eternal) --- 84 As-Sameeo (The Al Hearing)
85 As-Shaaheed (The Witness)
86 As-Shakur (The Appreciative) --- 87 At-Tawwaab (The Acceptor of Repentance)
88 Al-Waali (The Governor) ---89 Al-Wali (The Protecting Friend)
90 Al-Wadud (The loving)
91 Al-Wahhaab (The Bestower) --- 92 Al-Waahid (The Unique)
93 Al-Waajid (The Finder) --- 94 Al-Wakeel (The Trustee)
95 Al-Waaris (The Supreme Inheritor) --- 96 Al-Wasi (The All Embracing)
97 Al-Zaahir (The Manifest) --- 98 Al-Zaarr (The Distresser)
99 Al-Zul Jalal Wal Ikram (The Lord of Majesty and Bounty)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

DUA - Newly Added

Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim

Whosoever recites this 7 times in the morning and evening the following Dua'Hasbiyallahu lailaha illahuwa alaihi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbul arshil azeem. Allah Ta'Aala will suffice for him by removing his grief of this world and the hereafter.


Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim

Whoever recites 3 times in the morning: Aoozo billahis sameeil aleem minash-shaitanir-rajeem and thereafter the last 3ayats of surah Hashr once,70000 angels are appointed by Allah Ta'Aala,who seek forgiveness on his behalf till the evening.Should he/she die during the day,he will die as a Shaheed(Martyr).Whosoever recites the above dua in the evening will enjoy the same virtue till the morning..

the last 3 verse's of Surah Harsh

Huwal lahul lazi lailaha illa huwa alimul ghaibi wash-shahadati huwar rahmanur raheem.Huwal lahul lazi lailaha illa huwal malikul quddoosus salamul muminul muhaiminul azeezul jabbarul mutakabbir.Subhanal lahi amma yushrikoon.Huwallahul khaliqul bariul musawwiru lahul asmaul husan.Yusabihu lahu mafis samawati wal ard wahuwal azeezul hakeem.


Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim

Protection against leprosy,blindess,madness and paralysis.
Recite 3 times in the morning and evening.
Subhanal lahil azeemi wabihamdihi wa lahawla walaquwwata illa billah.


Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim

One who desires to take up a great under taking which is beyond his capacities must recite this name Ya-Muktadiru 1000times after Fajr salaah.Allah willing this great undertaking will be accomplished with ease,but practise should be followed for 11 days.

please make your niyat before reciting...


Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa-Ala Ali Muhammadin Wa-Sabibi Wa-Sallim

A person who recites this name Ya-Muwakhiru 100 times a day will have his/her work done by Allah.His hardest and toughest work will be done easily.

please make your niyat before reciting...


Saturday, July 25, 2009

DUA - Dua'a E Tawassul

O Allah, I beseech Thee, and turn towards Thee, through Thy Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad, may Allah Bless him and his Progeny, and grant them peace. O Abul-Qasim, O Messenger of Allah O guide of mercy, O intercessor of the community, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need; O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abul Hasan, O Commander of the Faithful, O ‘Ali, son of Abu Talib, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Fatima Zahra, O daughter of Muhammad, O Joy to the eye of the Prophet, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in Judgement over us.

O Abu Muhammad, O Hasan, son of ‘Ali, O elected one O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abu Abdallah, O Husain, son of ‘Ali, O Martyr O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abu Muhammad, O ‘Ali, son of al-Husain, O Zayn al-Abidin, O Prostrator before Allah O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abu Ja’far, O Muhammad, son of ‘Ali, O knowledgeable one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abu ‘Abdallah, O Ja’far, son of Muhammad, O truthful one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abu Ibrahim, O Musa, son of Ja’far, O tranquil one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abul Hasan, O ‘Ali, son of Musa, O devoted one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abu Ja’far, O Muhammad, son of ‘Ali, O generous, Taqi’ and pious one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abul Hasan, O Ali, son of Muhammad, O guide (Hadi) and pure one (Naqi), O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O Abu Muhammad, O Hasan, son of ‘Ali, O Wise one and warrior, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O inheritor of al-Hasan, O successor, O upright one, O Proof, O awaited upriser, O Mahdi, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.

O our chief , O our master, O my chiefs, O my Masters, I turn to Allah through you, O my Imams, my supporters on the days of my destitution. I seek your advocacy before Allah, I request you to speak in my favour before Allah, obtain pardon for me from Allah, and deliver me from my sins, through my love of you and nearness to you, obtain deliverance (for me) from Allah O my chiefs, O close friends of Allah, may Allah bless all of them, and curse the enemies of Allah who have oppressed them and will oppress them so be it, O Lord of the worlds.

Friday, July 24, 2009

DUA - Ayat Al Kursi

Ayat Al Kursi(Benifits)

Ayat al-Kursi is verse 255 of the second chapter (Surah) of the Holy Quran, Surat al-Baqarah (The Chapter of the Cow)

Below is the arabic text, followed by the transliteration in latin characters, followed by the English translation and then some of the benefits of reciting this verse, the Verse of the Throne.

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Allahu la illaha illa hu
Wal Hayyul Qayyum
La te huzuhu sinetun wala nawmun
Lahu ma fissemawati wa ma fil'ardi
Men thallathiy yeshfe'u indehu illa biznih
Ya'lemu ma beyne eydiyhim
wa ma halfehum
wa la yuhiytune
bishey'in min ilmihi
illa bima sha-a wasia kursiyyuhu semavati wal'ard
Wa la yeuduhu hifzuhuma wa hu wal aliy ul aziym

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Allah! There is no God but He,
the Living, the Self-subsisting, the Eternal.
No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep.
All things in heaven and earth are His.
Who could intercede in His presence without His permission?
He knows what appears in front of and behind His creatures.
Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what he wills.
His throne extends over the heavens and the earth,
and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them,
for He is the Highest and Most Exalted.

1. Our Holy prophet (SAWW) has said: whoever recites the first 4 ayats of Surae Baqarah, then Ayatul Kursi and then the last 3 ayats of Surae Baqarah will not be inflicted with any kind of difficulty in his wealth or himself, Shaitaan will not come near him and he will not forget the Qur'an.

2. Imam Ali (AS) was told by our Holy Prophet:? Qur'an is a great word, and Surae Baqarah is the leader of the Qur'an and Ayatul Kursi is the leader of Surae Baqarah.? In Ayatul Kursi there are 50 words and for each word there are 50 blessings and good in it.

3. One who recites Ayatul Kursi every morning will be in the protection, safety of Allah until the night.

4. If one ties this to ones wealth or chidren, they will be safe from Shaitaan.

5. Our Holy Prophet (SAWW) has said:? These things increase ones memory; sweets, meat of an animal near the neck, Adas(Lentils), cold bread and recitation of Ayatul Kursi.

6. For those of our dear ones who have passed away, recitation of Ayatul Kursi and giving it as Hadiya to them, gives them light (noor) in the grave.

7. Frequent recitation makes ones own death easy.

8. When leaving home, if one recites it once, the Almighty has one group of Angels to come and protect you.? If recited twice, 2 groups of Angels are assigned to do this.? If recited 3 times Allah tells the Angels not to worry as the Almighty himself takes care of him.

9. The Holy Prophet has said: If one recites Ayatul Kursi before going to sleep, Allah will send an Angel to come and look after you and protect you till the morning.? His home, family and also neighbours will remain in safety until morning.

10. When one is alone in the home, recitation of Ayatul Kursi and asking Allah to help will make you remain calm and you will not fear.

11. The Holy Prophet has said: When leaving home,if one recites Ayatul Kursi the Allah will send 70,000 Angels to do Istighfaar for him until he returns home, and upon his return Poverty will be removed from him.

12. If one recites this after doing Wudhoo, the 5th Imam (AS) has said: Allah will give him a reward of 40 years of Ibadaat, his position will be raised in the Heavens 40 times (levels) and will marry him to 40 Horains.

13. One who recites it after every prayer, thier salaat will be accepted, they will remain in the safety of the Almighty and He will protect them.

14. Allah (SWT) told P.Musa (AS): If one recites it after every salaat, the Almighty will make his heart a thankful one(Shakireen), will give him a reward of the prophets, and his deeds will be like those of the truthful(Siddiqeen) and nothing except death will stop will stop him from going into heaven.

15. To increase light or vision (noor) in the eyes, recite Surae Alhamd once, then Ayatul Kursi and then once the following dua:-? "U-eedhu nora basaree binuril lahi alladhi la yutfaa",? "I seek refuge for the light of my eyes by the light of Allah(SWT), which does not become extinguished".

All praises and thanks be to Allah, Lord of everything that exists.The most Gracious, the Most Merciful.Master of the Day of Judgment You (alone) we worship,Guide us to the Straight Way The Way of of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor those who went astray. Ameen

Thursday, July 23, 2009




















































































2.Waalqurani alhakeemi
3. Innaka lamina almursaleena

4. AAala siratin mustaqeemin
5. Tanzeela alAAazeezi alrraheemi
6. Litunthira qawman ma onthira abaohum fahum ghafiloona
7. Laqad haqqa alqawlu AAala aktharihim fahum la yuminoona
8. Inna jaAAalna fee aAAnaqihim aghlalan fahiya ila alathqani fahum muqmahoona
9. WajaAAalna min bayni aydeehim saddan wamin khalfihim saddan faaghshaynahum fahum la yubsiroona
10. Wasawaon AAalayhim aanthartahum am lam tunthirhum la yuminoona
11. Innama tunthiru mani ittabaAAa alththikra wakhashiya alrrahmana bialghaybi fabashshirhu bimaghfiratin waajrin kareemin
12. Inna nahnu nuhyee almawta wanaktubu ma qaddamoo waatharahum wakulla shayin ahsaynahu fee imamin mubeenin
13. Waidrib lahum mathalan ashaba alqaryati ith jaaha almursaloona
14. Ith arsalna ilayhimu ithnayni fakaththaboohuma faAAazzazna bithalithin faqaloo inna ilaykum mursaloona
15. Qaloo ma antum illa basharun mithluna wama anzala alrrahmanu min shayin in antum illa takthiboona
16. Qaloo rabbuna yaAAlamu inna ilaykum lamursaloona
17. Wama AAalayna illa albalaghu almubeenu
18. Qaloo inna tatayyarna bikum lain lam tantahoo lanarjumannakum walayamassannakum minna AAathabun aleemun
19. Qaloo tairukum maAAakum ain thukkirtum bal antum qawmun musrifoona
20. Wajaa min aqsa almadeenati rajulun yasAAa qala ya qawmi ittabiAAoo almursaleena
21. IttabiAAoo man la yasalukum ajran wahum muhtadoona
22. Wama liya la aAAbudu allathee fataranee wailayhi turjaAAoona
23. Aattakhithu min doonihi alihatan in yuridni alrrahmanu bidurrin la tughni AAannee shafaAAatuhum shayan wala yunqithooni
24. Innee ithan lafee dalalin mubeenin
25. Innee amantu birabbikum faismaAAooni
26. Qeela odkhuli aljannata qala ya layta qawmee yaAAlamoona
27. Bima ghafara lee rabbee wajaAAalanee mina almukrameena
28. Wama anzalna AAala qawmihi min baAAdihi min jundin mina alssamai wama kunna munzileena
29. In kanat illa sayhatan wahidatan faitha hum khamidoona
30. Ya hasratan AAala alAAibadi ma yateehim min rasoolin illa kanoo bihi yastahzioona
31. Alam yaraw kam ahlakna qablahum mina alqurooni annahum ilayhim la yarjiAAoona
32. Wain kullun lamma jameeAAun ladayna muhdaroona
33. Waayatun lahumu alardu almaytatu ahyaynaha waakhrajna minha habban faminhu yakuloona
34. WajaAAalna feeha jannatin min nakheelin waaAAnabin wafajjarna feeha mina alAAuyooni
35. Liyakuloo min thamarihi wama AAamilathu aydeehim afala yashkuroona
36. Subhana allathee khalaqa alazwaja kullaha mimma tunbitu alardu wamin anfusihim wamimma la yaAAlamoona
37. Waayatun lahumu allaylu naslakhu minhu alnnahara faitha hum muthlimoona
38. Waalshshamsu tajree limustaqarrin laha thalika taqdeeru alAAazeezi alAAaleemi
39. Waalqamara qaddarnahu manazila hatta AAada kaalAAurjooni alqadeemi
40. La alshshamsu yanbaghee laha an tudrika alqamara wala allaylu sabiqu alnnahari wakullun fee falakin yasbahoona
41. Waayatun lahum anna hamalna thurriyyatahum fee alfulki almashhooni
42. Wakhalaqna lahum min mithlihi ma yarkaboona
43. Wain nasha nughriqhum fala sareekha lahum wala hum yunqathoona
44. Illa rahmatan minna wamataAAan ila heenin
45. Waitha qeela lahumu ittaqoo ma bayna aydeekum wama khalfakum laAAallakum turhamoona
46. Wama tateehim min ayatin min ayati rabbihim illa kanoo AAanha muAArideena
47. Waitha qeela lahum anfiqoo mimma razaqakumu Allahu qala allatheena kafaroo lillatheena amanoo anutAAimu man law yashao Allahu atAAamahu in antum illa fee dalalin mubeenin
48. Wayaqooloona mata hatha alwaAAdu in kuntum sadiqeena
49. Ma yanthuroona illa sayhatan wahidatan takhuthuhum wahum yakhissimoona
50. Fala yastateeAAoona tawsiyatan wala ila ahlihim yarjiAAoona
51. Wanufikha fee alssoori faitha hum mina alajdathi ila rabbihim yansiloona
52. Qaloo ya waylana man baAAathana min marqadina hatha ma waAAada alrrahmanu wasadaqa almursaloona
53. In kanat illa sayhatan wahidatan faitha hum jameeAAun ladayna muhdaroona
54. Faalyawma la tuthlamu nafsun shayan wala tujzawna illa ma kuntum taAAmaloona
55. Inna ashaba aljannati alyawma fee shughulin fakihoona
56. Hum waazwajuhum fee thilalin AAala alaraiki muttakioona
57. Lahum feeha fakihatun walahum ma yaddaAAoona
58. Salamun qawlan min rabbin raheemin
59. Waimtazoo alyawma ayyuha almujrimoona
60. Alam aAAhad ilaykum ya banee adama an la taAAbudoo alshshaytana innahu lakum AAaduwwun mubeenun
61. Waani oAAbudoonee hatha siratun mustaqeemun
62. Walaqad adalla minkum jibillan katheeran afalam takoonoo taAAqiloona
63. Hathihi jahannamu allatee kuntum tooAAadoona
64. Islawha alyawma bima kuntum takfuroona
65. Alyawma nakhtimu AAala afwahihim watukallimuna aydeehim watashhadu arjuluhum bima kanoo yaksiboona
66. Walaw nashao latamasna AAala aAAyunihim faistabaqoo alssirata faanna yubsiroona
67. Walaw nashao lamasakhnahum AAala makanatihim fama istataAAoo mudiyyan wala yarjiAAoona
68. Waman nuAAammirhu nunakkishu fee alkhalqi afala yaAAqiloona
69. Wama AAallamnahu alshshiAAra wama yanbaghee lahu in huwa illa thikrun waquranun mubeenun
70. Liyunthira man kana hayyan wayahiqqa alqawlu AAala alkafireena
71. Awa lam yaraw anna khalaqna lahum mimma AAamilat aydeena anAAaman fahum laha malikoona
72. Wathallalnaha lahum faminha rakoobuhum waminha yakuloona
73. Walahum feeha manafiAAu wamasharibu afala yashkuroona
74. Waittakhathoo min dooni Allahi alihatan laAAallahum yunsaroona
75. La yastateeAAoona nasrahum wahum lahum jundun muhdaroona
76. Fala yahzunka qawluhum inna naAAlamu ma yusirroona wama yuAAlinoona
77. Awa lam yara alinsanu anna khalaqnahu min nutfatin faitha huwa khaseemun mubeenun
78. Wadaraba lana mathalan wanasiya khalqahu qala man yuhyee alAAithama wahiya rameemun
79. Qul yuhyeeha allathee anshaaha awwala marratin wahuwa bikulli khalqin AAaleemun
80. Allathee jaAAala lakum mina alshshajari alakhdari naran faitha antum minhu tooqidoona
81. Awa laysa allathee khalaqa alssamawati waalarda biqadirin AAala an yakhluqa mithlahum bala wahuwa alkhallaqu alAAaleemu
82. Innama amruhu itha arada shayan an yaqoola lahu kun fayakoonu
83. Fasubhana allathee biyadihi malakootu kulli shayin wailayhi turjaAAoona
