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Friday, July 31, 2009

DUA - It will help you

To relieve pain in any part of the body (if Allah wills) recite surah al fatihah 70 times (or 7 times), keeping the mouth nearest to the forehead of the sufferer. It is a sure cure of every ailment except the deadly disease (through which death has been decreed).

Whosoever recites surah al Nahl once in a month, Allah will keep him safe, if He wills, from many diseases, some of them are leprosy and insanity.

Write surah al Shu-ara with the solution of musk and saffron on a china plate, wash it with pure water and drink it. If Allah wills, He will heal you from whatever illness you are suffering from.

Whosoever recites surah YaSin daily, or once in a weak or a month or at least once in a lifetime, Allah, if He wills, will keep safe from every disease that may inflict him/her.

Whosoever writes surah Muhammad and keep it as a ta’wid’ on the body,. Remains safe from every kind of illness.

Whosoever recites surah Hadid and Mujadilah in every obligatory salat, Allah, if He wills, will not allow any detestable disease to afflict his/her body.

To relieve pain and suffering in any part of the body keep the written text of surah al Mujadilah on the body.

If surah al Quraysh is recited over the food, before eating, it will not only be rendered harmless but also act as a healer of any illness you are suffering from.

There are several ahadith (traditions) in Tufatuz Za-ir, Safinatun Najat that the earth of Karbala (from the precinct of the resting place of Imam Husayn), known as khak shifa, cures every ailment save the deadly disease (by which death has been decreed).

It is written in Zad al Mi-a'd that the Holy Prophet told his companions to carry out (the following procedure) in order to cure and heal whatever type of pain or illness is afflicting a person.

(1) Obtain rain water of spring (ab naysan) in the month of April.

(2) Recite 70 times the following surahs over the water:

(i) Al Fatihah, (ii) Ayat ul Kursi, (iii) Al lkhias, (iv) Al Falaq, (v) Al Nas, (vi) Al Kafirun, (vii) Al Qadr,

(3) and recite 70 times:




(4) and drink it in morning daily for 7 consecutive days.

DUA - Cure from All Kind of Pains

Cure from all sorts of pain

Khalid b. al-`Absee has narrated that: `Ali b. Moosaa (a) taught me the following instructing me to teach fellow believers for it works with all sort of pains and aches.

I seek protection for my soul in the Lord of the earth and the Lord of the heavens I seek protection for my soul in the One in whose name no sickness can hurt I seek protection for my soul in the One whose name is Blessed and a Cure.

U`idhoo nafsee birabbil-ardhi wa rabbis-samaa' U`idhoo nafsee billadhee laa yadhurru ma`a-smihi daa' U`idhoo nafsee billadhee-smuhu barakatun washifaa'
