What is DUA?
It is a request which we made to Almighty GOD. This request could be a direct one or could go with some references, like in SADQA of your Habib (P.B.U.H) please fulfill my such and such requirement. That is purely your way how you made that request. Each and every DUA reach to HIM.
Never ever think that he do not listen to your request. Whatever request you made he listens to it.
Acceptance or non acceptance of a DUA.
This is a very big question which always remains in the mind of a person who ever he is disregard of any religion. You asked for something, if it is accepted you are happy and you feel a bit of confidence within yourself, you feel your self close to GOD, a lucky person and so on… but if your requirement is not fulfilled you will feel dishearten loosing confidence in yourself and your faith etc. etc. (I will never use the words not accepted or rejected, rejecting or not accepting a request is not in the system of GOD)
Have you ever realized?
Have you ever realized that when you are in DUA or doing a Wazeefa where you are and where is your mind? Have you ever think of the background of your request, a genuine reason and purpose of it. Or do you deserve for that what you are asking for. Have you ever worked hard for it? When you are requesting for something are you feeling comfortable and confident because you deserve for that.
A student who never studied for the whole year and when he is close to the exams now he is praying for five times and requesting to GOD for a good position is a worthless effort. As far as GOD is concerned HE could do anything he like, HE can put that student at the top of the successful candidates but GOD means system and justice. By putting a poor student to the same level and grade as of a good or brilliant student is an unjust with these students. Justice is the nature of GOD. I worked for two hours I will be paid for two hours not a penny less or more, you worked for 10 hours you will be paid for 10 hours. As much you struggled that much you will be awarded.
Looks out of the way but it is not.
Sometimes we notice that some people are getting more than of their worth, but in fact it is not true. It looks like that they are having more what they deserve but there are some reasons behind it which we do not understand or realize. For example an illiterate person is running a big business and earning a lot of money, while an educated one is trying and trying but not successful in his struggle. The reason is the capabilities. Even an illiterate one could have more confidence and capabilities than an educated one to run the business and control the staff. Education makes us civilized but confidence and capabilities comes from your inside, that is how you think and how you see the world.
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