Do You know…
What will be the first thing that will be asked from this Ummah
Five Prayers الصلواتالخمس
Do You know…
Do you know what was the first prayer offered By Mohammad S.A.W
It Was Duhr Prayer هيصلاةالظهر
Do You know…
Who will be the first one entering Jannah هلتعلمأنأولمنيقرعبابالجنة؟
He will be Prophet Mohammad S.A.W هومحمد - صلىاللهعليهوسلم
Do You know…
Who will be the first Ummah Entering Jannah هلتعلمأنأولأمةتدخلالجنة؟
It will be Ummah of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W هيأمةمحمدصلىاللهعليهوسلم
Do You know…
Who was the first one who say Azan in heavens هلتعلمأنأولمنأذنفيالسماء؟
He was Jibrail A.S جبريلعليهالسلام
Do You kow…
Who first predicted the hours to be twelve هلتعلمأنأولمنقدرالساعاتالاثنىعشرة؟
It was Nooh A.S, who did this when he was on boat to find out the
times for prayers نوحعليهالسلامفيالسفينةليعرفمواقيتالصلاة
Do You know…
Who was the first person who said SUBHANA RABBI AL AALA
He was Israfeel A.S. هوإسرافيلعليهالسلام
Do You know…
What was the first ayah revealed from Al-Quran هلتعلمأنأولمانزلمنالقرآنالكريم؟
It was Surah Al-Alaq Ayah 1 اقرأباسمربكالذيخلق
Do You know…
Who first wrote with pen هلتعلمأنأولمنخطبالقلم؟
He was Hazrat Idrees A.S هوإدريسعليهالسلام
Do You know…
What was the last ayah revelaed from Al-Quran هلتعلمأنآخرمانزلمنالقرآنالكريم؟
It was Al-Baqara Ayah 281.. واتقوايوماًترجعونفيهإلىالله
Do You know…
What was the first verse revealed from Torah هلتعلمأنأولمانزلمنالتوراة؟
It was Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem بسماللهالرحمنالرحيم
Do You knw…
What is the most supreme Ayah in Quran هلتعلمأنأعظمآيةفيالقرآنالكريم؟
Its Ayat Al-Kursi -------Al-Baqara Ayah 255 آيةالكرسي
Do You know…
Whoever says SUBHAN ALLAHi WA BIHAMDIHI hundred 100 times,
All his sins will be forgiven even if they are as much as foam of the
sea منقال ( سبحاناللهوبحمده ) مئةمرهغفرت ذنوبهولوكانتمثلزبدالبحر..
Do You know…
Whenever he is in sorrow, Allah will take away all his sorrows
Just like he saved YUNUS A.S, when he was inside the fish.
Do You know…
The Prophet said منقال ( لآإلهإلآإنتسبحانكإنيكنتمنالظالمين )
وهوفيشدهفرجالله عنه, ... كما فرج عن يونس عليه السلآم عندما قال هذه
الكلمات في بطن الحوت
"(There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and
very light (easy) for the tongue (to say),
but very heavy in weight in the balance.
They are: Subhan Allah WA-bi hamdihi' and 'Subhan Allah Al-'Azim.."
سبحاناللهوبحمده سبحاناللهالعظيم
Do You know…
The things that make the body sick are:
قالابنالقيمرحمهالله أشياءتُمرضالجسم الكلامالكثير النومالكثير * والأكلالكثير *
Too much talking, Too much sleeping, Too much Eating
Do You know…
Jabir reported that the Prophet, SAW, said, 'Whoever says
Subhan-Allah- al-Azim WA bihamdihi (Glorified is Allah, the Great,
with all praise due to Him),
will have a palm tree planted for him in paradise.'' Reported by Tirmidhi
What will be the first thing that will be asked from this Ummah
Five Prayers الصلواتالخمس
Do You know…
Do you know what was the first prayer offered By Mohammad S.A.W
It Was Duhr Prayer هيصلاةالظهر
Do You know…
Who will be the first one entering Jannah هلتعلمأنأولمنيقرعبابالجنة؟
He will be Prophet Mohammad S.A.W هومحمد - صلىاللهعليهوسلم
Do You know…
Who will be the first Ummah Entering Jannah هلتعلمأنأولأمةتدخلالجنة؟
It will be Ummah of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W هيأمةمحمدصلىاللهعليهوسلم
Do You know…
Who was the first one who say Azan in heavens هلتعلمأنأولمنأذنفيالسماء؟
He was Jibrail A.S جبريلعليهالسلام
Do You kow…
Who first predicted the hours to be twelve هلتعلمأنأولمنقدرالساعاتالاثنىعشرة؟
It was Nooh A.S, who did this when he was on boat to find out the
times for prayers نوحعليهالسلامفيالسفينةليعرفمواقيتالصلاة
Do You know…
Who was the first person who said SUBHANA RABBI AL AALA
He was Israfeel A.S. هوإسرافيلعليهالسلام
Do You know…
What was the first ayah revealed from Al-Quran هلتعلمأنأولمانزلمنالقرآنالكريم؟
It was Surah Al-Alaq Ayah 1 اقرأباسمربكالذيخلق
Do You know…
Who first wrote with pen هلتعلمأنأولمنخطبالقلم؟
He was Hazrat Idrees A.S هوإدريسعليهالسلام
Do You know…
What was the last ayah revelaed from Al-Quran هلتعلمأنآخرمانزلمنالقرآنالكريم؟
It was Al-Baqara Ayah 281.. واتقوايوماًترجعونفيهإلىالله
Do You know…
What was the first verse revealed from Torah هلتعلمأنأولمانزلمنالتوراة؟
It was Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem بسماللهالرحمنالرحيم
Do You knw…
What is the most supreme Ayah in Quran هلتعلمأنأعظمآيةفيالقرآنالكريم؟
Its Ayat Al-Kursi -------Al-Baqara Ayah 255 آيةالكرسي
Do You know…
Whoever says SUBHAN ALLAHi WA BIHAMDIHI hundred 100 times,
All his sins will be forgiven even if they are as much as foam of the
sea منقال ( سبحاناللهوبحمده ) مئةمرهغفرت ذنوبهولوكانتمثلزبدالبحر..
Do You know…
Whenever he is in sorrow, Allah will take away all his sorrows
Just like he saved YUNUS A.S, when he was inside the fish.
Do You know…
The Prophet said منقال ( لآإلهإلآإنتسبحانكإنيكنتمنالظالمين )
وهوفيشدهفرجالله عنه, ... كما فرج عن يونس عليه السلآم عندما قال هذه
الكلمات في بطن الحوت
"(There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and
very light (easy) for the tongue (to say),
but very heavy in weight in the balance.
They are: Subhan Allah WA-bi hamdihi' and 'Subhan Allah Al-'Azim.."
سبحاناللهوبحمده سبحاناللهالعظيم
Do You know…
The things that make the body sick are:
قالابنالقيمرحمهالله أشياءتُمرضالجسم الكلامالكثير النومالكثير * والأكلالكثير *
Too much talking, Too much sleeping, Too much Eating
Do You know…
Jabir reported that the Prophet, SAW, said, 'Whoever says
Subhan-Allah- al-Azim WA bihamdihi (Glorified is Allah, the Great,
with all praise due to Him),
will have a palm tree planted for him in paradise.'' Reported by Tirmidhi