41 And he (Nooh (Noah) ) said: "Embark therein, in the Name of Allah will be its moving course and its resting anchorage. Surely, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Tafsir At-Tabaree, Vol. 12, Page 43)
42 So it (the ship) sailed with them amidst the waves like mountains, and Nooh (Noah) called out to his son, who had separated himself (apart), "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers."
43 The son replied: "I will betake myself to a mountain, it will save me from the water." Nooh (Noah) said: "This day there is no saviour from the Decree of Allah except him on whom He has mercy." And a wave came in between them, so he (the son) was among the drowned.
44 And it was said: "O earth! Swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain)." And the water was diminished (made to subside) and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (i.e. the destruction of the people of Nooh (Noah). And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi, and it was said: "Away with the people who are Zalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doing)!"
45 And Nooh (Noah) called upon his Lord and said, "O my Lord! Verily, my son is of my family! And certainly, Your Promise is true, and You are the Most Just of the judges."
46 He said: "O Nooh (Noah)! Surely, he is not of your family; verily, his work is unrighteous, so ask not of Me that of which you have no knowledge! I admonish you, lest you be one of the ignorants."
47 Nooh (Noah) said: "O my Lord! I seek refuge with You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge. And unless You forgive me and have Mercy on me, I would indeed be one of the losers."
48 It was said: "O Nooh (Noah)! Come down (from the ship) with peace from Us and blessings on you and on the people who are with you (and on some of their off spring), but (there will be other) people to whom We shall grant their pleasures (for a time), but in the end a painful torment will reach them from Us."
49 This is of the news of the unseen which We reveal unto you (O Muhammad SAW), neither you nor your people knew them before this. So be patient. Surely, the (good) end is for the Muttaqoon (pious - see V.2:2)
50 And to Ad (people We sent) their brother Hood. He said, "O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Certainly, you do nothing but invent (lies)!
51 "O my people I ask of you no reward for it (the Message). My reward is only from Him, Who created me. Will you not then understand?
52 "And O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him, He will send you (from the sky) abundant rain, and add strength to your strength, so do not turn away as Mujrimoon (criminals, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah)."
53 They said: "O Hood! No evidence have you brought us, and we shall not leave our gods for your (mere) saying! And we are not believers in you.
54 "All that we say is that some of our gods (false deities) have seized you with evil (madness)." He said: "I call Allah to witness and bear you witness that I am free from that which you ascribe as partners in worship, -
55 With Him (Allah). So plot against me, all of you, and give me no respite.
56 "I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving (living) creature but He has grasp of its forelock. Verily, my Lord is on the Straight Path (the truth).
57 "So if you turn away, still I have conveyed the Message with which I was sent to you. My Lord will make another people succeed you, and you will not harm Him in the least. Surely, my Lord is Guardian over all things."
58 And when Our Commandment came, We saved Hood and those who believed with him by a Mercy from Us, and We saved them from a severe torment.
59 Such were Ad (people). They rejected the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord and disobeyed His Messengers, and followed the command of every proud obstinate (oppressor of the truth, from their leaders).
60 And they were pursued by a curse in this world and (so they will be) on the Day of Resurrection. No doubt! Verily, Ad disbelieved in their Lord. So away with Ad, the people of Hood.
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