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Friday, January 29, 2010

Quran Chapter 20 - Quran Surah Taha (Taha) Page 3

51 (Firaun (Pharaoh)) said: "What about the generations of old?"

52 (Moosa (Moses)) said: "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord, in a Record. My Lord is neither unaware nor He forgets, "

53 Who has made earth for you like a bed (spread out); and has opened roads (ways and paths etc.) for you therein; and has sent down water (rain) from the sky. And We have brought forth with it various kinds of vegetation.

54 Eat and pasture your cattle, (therein); verily, in this are proofs and signs for men of understanding.

55 Thereof (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again.

56 And indeed We showed him (Firaun (Pharaoh)) all Our Signs and Evidences, but he denied and refused.

57 He (Firaun (Pharaoh)) said: "Have you come to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Moosa (Moses)?

58 "Then verily, we can produce magic the like thereof; so appoint a meeting between us and you, which neither we, nor you shall fail to keep, in an open wide place where both shall have a just and equal chance (and beholders could witness the competition)."

59 (Moosa (Moses)) said: "Your appointed meeting is the day of the festival, and let the people assemble when the sun has risen (forenoon)."

60 So Firaun (Pharaoh) withdrew, devised his plot and then came back.

61 Moosa (Moses) said to them: "Woe unto you! Invent not a lie against Allah, lest He should destroy you completely by a torment. And surely, he who invents a lie (against Allah) will fail miserably."

62 Then they debated with one another what they must do, and they kept their talk secret.

63 They said: "Verily! These are two magicians. Their object is to drive you out from your land with magic, and overcome your chiefs and nobles.

64 "So devise your plot, and then assemble in line. And whoever overcomes this day will be indeed successful."

65 They said:"O Moosa (Moses)! Either you throw first or we be the first to throw?"

66 (Moosa (Moses)) said: "Nay, throw you (first)!" Then behold, their ropes and their sticks, by their magic, appeared to him as though they moved fast.

67 So Moosa (Moses) conceived a fear in himself.

68 We (Allah) said: "Fear not! Surely, you will have the upper hand.

69 "And throw that which is in your right hand! It will swallow up that which they have made. That which they have made is only a magicians trick, and the magician will never be successful, no matter whatever amount (of skill) he may attain."

70 So the magicians fell down prostrate. They said: "We believe in the Lord of Haroon (Aaron) and Moosa (Moses)."

71 (Firaun (Pharaoh)) said: "Believe you in him (Moosa (Moses)) before I give you permission? Verily! He is your chief who taught you magic. So I will surely cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will surely crucify you on the trunks of date-palms, and you shall surely know which of us (I (Firaun Pharaoh) or the Lord of Moosa (Moses) (Allah)) can give the severe and more lasting torment."

72 They said: "We prefer you not over the clear signs that have come to us, and to Him (Allah) Who created us. So decree whatever you desire to decree, for you can only decree (regarding) this life of the world.

73 "Verily! We have believed in our Lord, that He may forgive us our faults, and the magic to which you did compel us. And Allah is better as regards reward in comparison to your (Firauns (Pharaoh)) reward, and more lasting (as regards punishment in comparison to your punishment)."

74 Verily! Whoever comes to his Lord as a Mujrim (criminal, polytheist, disbeliever in the Oneness of Allah and His Messengers, sinner, etc.), then surely, for him is Hell, therein he will neither die nor live.

75 But whoever comes to Him (Allah) as a believer (in the Oneness of Allah, etc.), and has done righteous good deeds, for such are the high ranks (in the Hereafter),

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