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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Quran Chapter 9 - Surah At-Taubah (Repentance) Page 7

91 There is no blame on those who are weak or ill or who find no resources to spend (in holy fighting (Jihad)), if they are sincere and true (in duty) to Allah and His Messenger. No ground (of complaint) can there be against the Muhsinoon (good-doers - see the footnote of V.9:120). And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

92 Nor (is there blame) on those who came to you to be provided with mounts, and when you said: "I can find no mounts for you," they turned back, while their eyes overflowing with tears of grief that they could not find anything to spend (for Jihad).

93 The ground (of complaint) is only against those who are rich, and yet ask exemption. They are content to be with (the women) who sit behind (at home) and Allah has sealed up their hearts (from all kinds of goodness and right guidance) so that they know not (what they are losing).

94 They (the hypocrites) will present their excuses to you (Muslims), when you return to them. Say (O Muhammad SAW) "Present no excuses, we shall not believe you. Allah has already informed us of the news concerning you. Allah and His Messenger will observe your deeds. In the end you will be brought back to the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He (Allah) will inform you of what you used to do." (Tafsir At-Tabari)

95 They will swear by Allah to you (Muslims) when you return to them, that you may turn away from them. So turn away from them. Surely, they are Rijsun (i.e. Najasun (impure) because of their evil deeds), and Hell is their dwelling place, - a recompense for that which they used to earn.

96 They (the hypocrites) swear to you (Muslims) that you may be pleased with them, but if you are pleased with them, certainly Allah is not pleased with the people who are Al-Fasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).

97 The bedouins are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and more likely to be in ignorance of the limits (Allahs Commandments and His Legal Laws, etc.) which Allah has revealed to His Messenger. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise.

98 And of the bedouins there are some who look upon what they spend (in Allahs Cause) as a fine and watch for calamities for you, on them be the calamity of evil. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.

99 And of the bedouins there are some who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and look upon what they spend in Allahs Cause as approaches to Allah, and a cause of receiving the Messengers invocations. Indeed these (spendings in Allahs Cause) are an approach for them. Allah will admit them to His Mercy. Certainly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

100 And the first to embrace Islam of the Muhajiroon (those who migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah) and the Ansar (the citizens of Al-Madinah who helped and gave aid to the Muhajiroon) and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success.

101 And among the bedouins round about you, some are hypocrites, and so are some among the people of Al-Madinah, they exaggerate and persist in hypocrisy, you (O Muhammad SAW) know them not, We know them. We shall punish them twice, and thereafter they shall be brought back to a great (horrible) torment.

102 And (there are) others who have acknowledged their sins, they have mixed a deed that was righteous with another that was evil. Perhaps Allah will turn unto them in forgiveness. Surely, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

103 Take Sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.

104 Know they not that Allah accepts repentance from His slaves and takes the Sadaqat (alms, charity), and that Allah Alone is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, Most Merciful?

105 And say (O Muhammad SAW) "Do deeds! Allah will see your deeds, and (so will) His Messenger and the believers. And you will be brought back to the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. Then He will inform you of what you used to do."

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