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Monday, February 1, 2010

Quran Chapter 54 - Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon) Page 2

28 And inform them that the water is to be shared between (her and) them. Each ones right to drink being established (by turns).

29 But they called their comrade and he took (a sword) and killed (her).

30 Then, how (terrible) was My Torment and My Warnings?

31 Verily, We sent against them a single Saeehah (torment - awful cry, etc.), and they became like the dry stubble of a fold-builder.

32 And indeed, We have made the Quran easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)?

33 The people of Lout (Lot) belied the warnings.

34 Verily, We sent against them a violent storm of stones (which destroyed them all), except the family of Lout (Lot), whom We saved in last hour of the night,

35 As a Favour from Us, thus do We reward him who gives thanks (by obeying Us).

36 And he (Lout (Lot)) indeed had warned them of Our Grasp, but they did doubt the warnings!

37 And they indeed sought to shame his guest (by asking to commit sodomy with them). So We blinded their eyes, "Then taste you My Torment and My Warnings."

38 And verily, an abiding torment seized them early in the morning.

39 "Then taste you My Torment and My Warnings."

40 And indeed, We have made the Quran easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)?

41 And indeed, warnings came to the people of Firaun (Pharaoh) (through Moosa (Moses) and Haroon (Aaron)).

42 (They) belied all Our Signs, so We seized them with a Seizure of the All-Mighty, All-Capable to carry out what he Will (Omnipotent).

43 Are your disbelievers (O Quraish!) better than these (nations of Nooh (Noah), Lout (Lot), Salih (Saleh), and the people of Firaun (Pharaoh), etc., who were destroyed)? Or have you an immunity (against Our Torment) in the Divine Scriptures?

44 Or do they say: "We are a great multitude, and we shall be victorious.?"

45 Their multitude will be put to flight, and they will show their backs.

46 Nay, but the Hour is their appointed time (for their full recompense), and the Hour will be more grievous and more bitter.

47 Verily, the Mujrimoon (polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, criminals, etc.) are in error (in this world) and will burn (in the Hell-fire in the Hereafter).

48 The Day they will be dragged in the Fire on their faces (it will be said to them): "Taste you the touch of Hell!"

49 Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine Preordainments of all things before their creation, as written in the Book of Decrees Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz).

50 And Our Commandment is but one, as the twinkling of an eye.

51 And indeed, We have destroyed your likes, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)?

52 And each and everything they have done is noted in (their) Records (of deeds).

53 And everything, small and big is written (in Al-Lauh Al-Mahfooz already beforehand i.e. before it befalls, or is done by its doer) (See the Quran V.57:22).

54 Verily, The Muttaqoon (pious), will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers (Paradise).

55 In a seat of truth (i.e. Paradise), near the Omnipotent King (Allah, the All-Blessed, the Most High, the Owner of Majesty and Honour).

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